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The Best Baby Ear Thermometers in the UK 2025 Review

Blue ear thermometer device

It is scary when you think your child has a fever and is possibly running a temperature.

This is why having a good digital ear thermometer at hand to quickly check their temperature is such a handy tool for parents to have.

Mum’s and Dad’s all know how childhood illnesses are bound to occur early on in a child’s first few years.

If you have any more questions check out our digital ear thermometers for babies FAQ’s.

We’ve put together a short buying guide for you, to take a look at some of the best options available today.

What Are the Best Baby Ear Thermometers in the UK for 2025?

The best ear thermometers for babies and young children to buy are:

1. Braun ThermoScan 7 IRT6520

Braun ThermoScan 7 IRT6520 Click for current price button

Key Features

  • Type: Digital ear thermometer
  • Easy to Use: Yes
  • Accuracy: 0.2 °C
  • Display Temperature Range: 34 °C – 42.2 °C (93.2 °F – 108 °F)
  • Fever Reading Alert: Yes, background display colour change alert, but no audible alert
  • Batteries Required: Yes, 1x AAA battery
  • Memory Mode: Yes, stores the last 9 temperature readings
  • Doctor-recommended brand
  • Fast measurement in seconds
  • Age adjustable fever guidance
  • Pre-warmed tip for comfort and accuracy
  • Suitable for whole family (from newborn babies to adults)

What we like about the Braun ThermoScan 7 IRT6520 is the Age Precision™ technology & ExacTemp™ guidance system. This is helps to solve the body temperature difference ranges between children and adults and know ing when a different age group is in the their fever range.

The tip is prewarmed to 34°C before use to deliver a more accurate result, and the colour coded LCD helps interpret the reading according to your child’s age.

Unlike previous models, the Braun ThermoScan 7 has a backlit display with night light, allowing you to read your sleeping child’s temperature without disturbing him/her.

The built-in memory mode stores the last nine temperature readings, making it easy to track changes. In addition, the positioning system lights for accuracy, with a signal that indicates when the device is ready to take the optimal temperature.

Braun requires the use of its own brand lens filters and must be changed after each temperature reading. This helps to avoid cross contamination, however, some may find this feature inconvenient.

2. Nurofen For Children FeverSmart Temperature Monitor

Nurofen For Children FeverSmart Temperature Monitor Click for current price button

Key Features

  • Type: Armpit Temperature Thermometer
  • Easy to Use: Yes
  • Accuracy: Up to ±0.2℃
  • Continuous fever monitor
  • Updates every minute
  • Connects to your mobile phone through an app
  • Alerts you if your baby has a high temperature

3. femometer Flexible Digital Thermometer

femometer Flexible Digital Thermometer Click for current price button

Key Features

  • Type: Oral, Armpit and Rectal Temperature Thermometer
  • Easy to Use: Yes
  • Accuracy: Up to ±0.05℃
  • Has an app you can chart temperatures

4. Peppa Pig Forehead Thermometer

Peppa Pig Forehead Thermometer Click for current price button

Key Features

  • Type: Forehead Temperature Thermometer
  • Easy to Use: Yes
  • Accuracy: Unsure
  • Reusable
  • Colour indicator system to display if temperature is in normal low or high fever zone

5. Yinuoday Digital Body Thermometer

Yinuoday Digital Body Thermometer Click for current price button

Key Features

  • Type: Oral, Armpit and Rectal Temperature Thermometer
  • Easy to Use: Yes
  • Accuracy: Up to ±0.1℃
  • Reusable
  • Easy to read digital numbers temperature display
  • Can store temperature reading history in memory storage

6. Exergen Temporal Artery Thermometer

Exergen Temporal Artery Thermometer Click for current price button

Key Features

  • Type: Temporal Artery Temperature Thermometer
  • Easy to Use: Yes
  • Accuracy: Unsure
  • Reusable: Yes
  • Easy to read digital temperature number display

7. Paryvara Digital Forehead and Ear Thermometer

Paryvara Digital Forehead and Ear Thermometer Click for current price button

Key Features

  • Type: Digital forehead and ear thermometer
  • Easy to Use: Yes
  • Accuracy: Fast, accurate reading within 1 second
  • Good overall value
  • Some users complain of inconsistent readings
  • Backlight on screen shuts off quickly

This dual-mode forehead and ear thermometer from Paryvara provides fast, consistent, and accurate temperature readings in both Celsius and Fahrenheit.

It stores up to 20 temperature readings for the whole family, from babies to adults.

An audible alarm sounds when the temperature reads above 37.5°C with a red light to indicate a fever. Batteries are already installed (2 x AAA) and comes with a plastic stand and soft carrying case.

Users praise the Paryvara Digital Forehead and Ear Thermometer for ease of use, accuracy, and comfort for babies all the way up to adults.

8. WEALLNERSSE Infrared Forehead Digital Thermometer

WEALLNERSSE Infrared Forehead Digital Thermometer Click for current price button

Key Features

  • Type: No Contact Forehead Temperature Thermometer
  • Easy to Use: Yes
  • Accuracy: Unsure
  • Alarm sound if fever detected
  • Back light colour changes to indicate temperature zone: green for normal, orange for a slight fever, and red for a high fever.

9. ANKOVO Thermometer Medical Digital Infrared Temporal Forehead and Ear Thermometer

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Key Features

  • Type: Digital forehead and ear thermometer
  • Easy to Use: Yes
  • Near instantaneous results
  • Reliable and consistent readings
  • Ergonomic design
  • Backlight on screen shuts off quickly
  • Relatively expensive

The ANKOVO Infrared Thermometer is another popular option among dual-mode thermometers on the market. With only two buttons (head and ear), the thermometer could not be easier to use.

The backlit display shows the last 20 readings and changes colours according to the temperature reading. A favourite feature for users is the “easy care guide” that comes with the thermometer, containing a chart of temperature readings to help understand the various temperature ranges and levels of fever.

The thermometer is ready to use once turned on, and the temperature reading is completed within seconds.

10. Metene Medical Forehead and Ear Thermometer

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Key Features

  • Type: Digital forehead and ear Thermometer
  • Easy to Use: Yes
  • Accurate readings
  • Ergonomic design
  • Switches from forehead to ear mode automatically
  • Versatile (also measures room and object temperatures)
  • Some users find it difficult to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit

The Metene Medical Forehead and Ear Thermometer is another great dual-mode option that is CE & FDA approved. With a sleek design, the thermometer has two buttons to switch easily from forehead to ear mode.

It can store up to 20 readings for babies and adults and comes with two AAA batteries and a portable case. The backlit screen is easy to read, and the device powers off after 10 seconds of no use.

Metene also claims that the thermometer can be used to accurately scan the temperature of objects (such as a baby bottle) and rooms, as well.

How to Choose the Best Option

Because there are several types of  baby ear thermometers available on the market today, you need to consider a few factors when determining which one is right for your child.

1. Age Suitability

The following table provides a basic guideline on the type of ear thermometer you should use based on your child’s age.

If you have multiple children in your household, consider the ear or temporal artery (forehead) style because they are generally less intrusive when a child of any age is sick.

Note: If your child has a sore ear, ear infection, or has had recent ear surgery, choose an alternate method to measure his/her temperature to ensure an accurate reading.

Child’s AgeRectalOralEarAxillaryTemporal Artery
Newborn-3 months
3 months-3 years
4-5 years
5 years+

2. Accuracy

The difference between a normal temperature range and a fever is a matter of only a few degrees, so it is important to find a thermometer that provides an accurate reading on a consistent basis.

It may be worth bringing in your thermometer to your child’s next doctor visit to compare the readings from your home thermometer to the one used at the pediatrician’s office.

External factors may influence ear temperatures, such as poor probe placement, extreme hot and cold room temperatures, hearing aids, and/or lying on a pillow.

Soaking in warm water can also raise body temperature for up to an hour, so avoid taking your child’s temperature after he/she has had a bath.

3. Speed of Reading

Most digital thermometers available today generally record temperatures within less than a minute.

It can be difficult to get an accurate reading from a fussy baby while he/she is awake, so a thermometer that can generate a fast and accurate reading is necessary.

4. Ease of Use

Ear thermometers must be inserted correctly for a precise measurement, so find a model that is easy to handle, designed with clear instructions, and provides colour-coded temperature guidance.

Comfort is certainly another feature to consider, especially for babies and young children.

Cleaning your thermometer after every use is important for preventing contamination, so find a model that is also easy to clean and maintain.

5. Price

Thermometers come in all price ranges with features designed to make them stand out from the competition.

6. Other Features

Most digital thermometers have a backlit display screen, alert signal, built in memory, and a long battery life. Some even come equipped to work with apps for your smartphone.

More features typically mean a higher price tag, so it may be worth looking at models that come with a manufacturer’s warranty for peace of mind.